Sunday, January 02, 2005

Dunno if the term was invented here

But I think it speaks volumes.

Militant Palestinian Terrorstinian

Amazing how the way we communicate is being changed...

A couple of blogs from Egypt, for example:
Rantings of a Sandmonkey
Big Pharaoh

Automated Detection of Pornographic Images

As filed with the US Patent Office

Prevx now has a Pro version

I'll be buying and loading this as soon as I get back from vacation. I've been using the Home version for months, and it rocks!

Prevx is a software based intrusion prevention system, for those unfamiliar with it.


A beta site where you can paste your HijackThis logs into a window, and get back an analysis of hijacks and other malware found.

And if you don't know what HijackThis is, go HERE and scroll down until you see it.

Great way to clean up that PC the relatives got for Christmas, now probably hijacked to high heaven.

Iraqis Cracking Down on Terrorists

I'm sure the "regular" media will fall all over themselves to report this. Not.