Saturday, October 08, 2011

A new meme appears

Obligatory animated cat gif



True story

Pretty much


Cute idea

Friday, October 07, 2011


Obligatory animated cat gif

Just one or two hundred times...






Thursday, October 06, 2011


Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Been there, done that

While I was reading earlier I came across a part of the novel wherein the main character was talking about how people have an inside person and an outside person.  And the outside person is the face they show the world, and is maintained by the inside person.  And that with some people, those two are actually one in the same.  But not most people.

For the ones who are "lucky" enough to be one in the same, they are stronger for it.  The character postulated that the closer to the same that those two are, the stronger the person is.  He further postulated that sometimes the person inside loses it, and the outside person is destroyed.  He had mixed thoughts about whether or not that was a good thing.  He thought in some cases it could be, but argued back that it was also possible that some religions and philosophies only said that because they valued change in, and of itself, as a good thing.

I just found that all interesting.


Obligatory animated cat gif, WTF version


True story

Now they're thinking with portals




Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Lots of hits...

I get a lot of hits on this blog from various US government agencies.  Army, Navy, DOJ, and even recently, the U.S. State Department.

I'll single-line the purpose of this blog

This blog is about random funny pictures, an occasional non-political rant, but mostly about cats.  After all, the Internet is a series of tubes, and those tubes are full of CATS!

There are no codes, no cryptic crap, but always, CATS!

That is all.


Obligatory animated cat gif


At least occasionally...

Alabama rowboat?


Kinda wrong, but still funny


Monday, October 03, 2011

Not sure what to read into this, if anything

Back during my very lean undergraduate years, my food budget was also very lean.  Maybe a couple of dollars a day.  I learned to do magic with Ramen noodles and canned soup, maybe some cheese on top, and even a foray into potted meat food product now and again.  And lots of canned tuna, and sardines, and generally cheap eats.  Also, I learned to copy the coupons we got at the start of the semester that were loss leader items into some of the cheap eat places around the campus.  I digress...

One item occasionally on the menu back then was canned corned beef hash.  It was cheap, it was tasty, and yet very filling.  Better than having Pork & Beans for supper.

I was reminiscing the other day, and grabbed a can of said hash, when I was bored and out of dinner ideas.  It was actually not horrible. 

Then things got complicated:  Bitey smelled it, and he wanted it.

I gave him a couple of spoonfuls on his dinner plate, and he went nuts over it.  He ate every bit of it and licked the plate clean.

I'm trying to figure out if I had cat food for supper, or if he had human food for supper.

Wait, what?!?

Obligatory animated cat gif




click image to embiggen




Sunday, October 02, 2011


Obligatory animated cat gif

Pretty much how that works

Meanwhile in Alabama
