Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Lots of hits...

I get a lot of hits on this blog from various US government agencies.  Army, Navy, DOJ, and even recently, the U.S. State Department.

I'll single-line the purpose of this blog

This blog is about random funny pictures, an occasional non-political rant, but mostly about cats.  After all, the Internet is a series of tubes, and those tubes are full of CATS!

There are no codes, no cryptic crap, but always, CATS!

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Even the government, make that especially the government, has workers who spend most of their time just web-surfing.

AmyOops said...


the got your phone tapped too, and watching you thru your tv.

AmyOops said...


the got your phone tapped too, and watching you thru your tv.

SanyoSoup said...

No way! Me and the cat both have tinfoil headbands we bought offa some guy who advertises on Alex Jones' show. Supposed to block that kinda stuff.