Saturday, October 29, 2005

Kubrick 2001: The space odyssey explained

Kubrick 2001: The space odyssey explained

I have a friend in NYC who *really* needs to use this before he forwards certain emails the bunk stops here : research scams, hoaxes, fraud, phishing and urban legends

Supposedly the recipies from Mac D's

Supposedly the recipies from Mac D's

"I was sitting at home and I was in one of my withdrawal and I had the feces there, I was cleaning up, I already did some heroin."

Suspect Sentenced After Tainting Pastries With Feces

Classic ex-girlfriend revenge [NSFW!!!], The only Real Ex Girlfriend Revenge site.

ROFL!!! Scared the s*** out of him!

What he says at the end is priceless

Did you know that Sprint can "send" a text message to a regular home phone?


This guy is officially a paranoid f***tard - Issues Facing African Americans


Do my laundry, get a blowjob - w4m

Make a religious statement with your iPod Shuffle...

Noisy neighbors? Get some revenge...

Revenge CD and Ear Plugs

If you dig a hole straight through the earth..... [Google Maps hackery]

If I dig a very deep hole, where I go to stop?

Break out the tinfoil headband, yet again | Dedicated to Truthseekers.