Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday Afternoon Quotes

“All of our relationships are a reflection of relationship to self. The love without is indicative of the love possessed within. We are all throwing our pain and brokenness at each other. We are all hurting each other, scaring each other, and loving each other to death. So as mindful souls and conscious lovers, we must get serious about our own healing and personal growth. We can make ourselves healthy so we can give the best to those we love, and maybe (if we’re lucky) inspire them to do the same. If not, it doesn’t matter because we’re on the road to wholeness. We still throw our shit around, but at least we do it less, and some days, that just has to be enough…” 

--Patia Braithwaite

“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?”

--Henry David Thoreau

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