I'm Gonna Kill Santa Claus
4 years ago
Nothing here specifically reflects on someone unless I call them out by name. Instead, it is just a collection of stuff I think is funny, or find interesting. If you are offended, that is about you and not about me.
1 comment:
Very cool.
There's an old trick that the little ones enjoy. First, make a paper boat, then tell the story of the brave captain who ran into a typhoon. Talk like a pirate and make crashing sounds if you like:
"The seas were rough, and it was all Cap'n [insert kid's name here] could do to keep her afloat. Then a rogue wave crashed onto the foredeck and tore off the bow!"
[Rip off the front triangle of the paper "ship"]
"But Cap'n [name] was a good sailor, and kept his ship afloat and on course. Then a bolt of lightning struck the mainsail, and it splintered into a thousand pieces!"
[Tear off the top triangle of the "sail"]
"The brave Cap'n [name] had lost his bow, lost his sail, and did his best to preserve his battered ship. But then, another massive wave fell onto the stern and ripped it away!"
[Tear off the rear triangle of the "ship"]
"After the storm passed, rescuers searched for the ship. No wreckage was ever found, and the only thing that washed up on shore was the captain's shirt."
[Slowly unfold what's left of the paper "ship." It'll look like a tattered t-shirt if you did it right.]
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