Thursday, August 12, 2021

I'm just going to spell some things out, no funny.  If you read my earlier post about coof, you know I'm of the opinion that if you had it, you're done.  Let me expand on why.

All the variants of concern involve drift / mutations on the S-1 protein - that's how it grabs onto ACE-2 receptors, uses the furin unzipper to unzip the cell wall, and the S-2 protein to fuse the nucleocapcid into a cell.  tl:dr:  there is a protein on Coof that anchors on a receptive part of some cells, another part that is a can opener, and a third part that facilitates the virus taking a big crap of it's payload inside cellular membranes.  That's kinda how viruses work, but anywho. 

If you already had it and got over it, your body has seen S-1 the grabber.  Also S-2, and another dozen or so proteins on the viral shell, and it will have an immune response too all of them unless you are immunocompromised.

Drift in in the S-1 protein isn't meaningful for people who had it already.  It may be for people who have an entire immune response that relies on S-1 protein antibodies produced through a vaccine, but I can't fix that.  I can't fix the potential for ADE, etc.

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